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[Tues] 19 Nov 2013 (Safe Rocks)

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 10:01 pm
by Bodge
  • A2 Missions run;
  • Bend - Success and Death, everyone's a winner.
  • Cratesistence - Bodge bush is best bush
  • Rook Valley - NOTHING TO SEE HERE.
  • Rebound - Slow attrition.

    A3 Afterparty
  • morning sortie - Losing one vehicle after another, Zitron finally executed his PR manager.
  • Capital punishment - holy shit, we actually got the meds!
  • hells highway - yeah... no.
  • Burn - SUPERULTRAJIPPLATOOOOON! ...we broke the mission.

Thank you all for staying around, cya on Friday and/or Sunday!

Re: [Tues] 19 Nov 2013 (Safe Rocks)

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 12:20 am
by Alex
A2 Missions run;

Bend - ASL Medic, shot by a BMP along with the rest of alpha.
Cratesistence - Took a stray round while moving through the trees, was patc hed up but later took a GP round along with the rest of the fireteam. Bled out.
Rook Valley - Liberally coated with bits of Satire the pilot when he was hit. Was not horrified for very long as the ground was soon coated with bits of me(and the rest of Alpha).
Rebound - ASL medic. From first contact I was occupied with patching up wounded troopers who objected to my use of vodka as a disinfectant. Commandeered a UAZ and DShK which was used to great effect. Eventually the bodies piled up and I was unable to reach Satire before he bled out. Spent equal amounts of time on the DShK and healing the wounded. Fate dealt me a cruel hand when my UAZ burst into flames after hitting a rock at a mere 20km/h. My screams for help were ignored and I died in a fiery explosion.

A3 Afterparty
morning sortie - gunned down by an unseen technical behind us? not sure.

Videos incoming over the next few days.

Re: [Tues] 19 Nov 2013 (Safe Rocks)

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 5:54 pm
by Ardyvee
There is nothing quite like hearing that the other helicopter got shot down, and then as the pilot approaches the ground seeing your squad mates dying as the bullets penetrate through the helicopter's hull. And then, when the helicopter finally touches down, I jump out to a cover-less land and enemy tanks approaching. ATs fired at it, but we were so few in numbers, with so little cover, we couldn't do much. I suppose that, even if I did hear the flares go out, did know about Alpha's Helicopter getting shot down, and people did die inside the helicopter before even touching the ground... the pilot also going out of the helicopter with the rest of us was not a good sign.

Oh. And who would have thought that a smaller group would be capable of getting the meds on capital punishment when a bigger got killed when entering the compound.

Had fun, but I don't really want to talk about covering people from a hill without being unable to walk and then bleeding out...