[Sun] 26 Aug 2012 (IceRaiser on PCP)

How we died
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[Sun] 26 Aug 2012 (IceRaiser on PCP)

Post by fer »

  • Buffet
  • Wideola
  • River Assault
  • Cholo
Super turn-out, comrades! Big welcome to all the new faces - on behalf of all the hosts I hope you enjoyed the session tonight and will join us again soon. There was plenty of death, including an epic run-through of comrade Housemaster's Folk classic River Assault (remixed by comrade Wolfenswan). However, I'm not sure anything could have prepared us for the glory of a fully role-played Cholo. Comrade IceRaiser would surely win an Oscar for his portrayal of a crazed PCP user if we gave out such things. More to follow, but please post your thoughts / feedback / media here!

Comrades, you all rock. Even comrade Tigershark.


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Re: [Sun] 26 Aug 2012 (IceRaiser on PCP)

Post by Benson »

Glorious deaths have been had for sure!

Wideola (B3) - We were backup to Bravo squad. The squad was quickly decimated by the horde of angry farmers hidden amongst the tree lines. In sight of the onslaught we hoofed it in a cowardly retreat glorious charge - and got promptly shot in the back like cowards heroes. At least we were part of the revolution, ey.

River assault (D) - Hopelessly counter-flanked at the start of the engagement. Spectated some decent action, mortar support was excellent though some close support of the IFVs might have been nice maybe.

Cholo - Maybe I inspected that "evidence" a little too close, I swear I saw a car driving through the building up the second floor!? :shock:

Before summer time I attended some sessions and I hope I can make it to more :)
On a different note, maybe not the right place for this, but my when in MP Arma seems to suppress the keys I assigned to TS as PTT and mute. Any suggestions as to why this might happen? I have not assigned the buttons in Arma and in SP it works fine.

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Proctor Eldritch
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Re: [Sun] 26 Aug 2012 (IceRaiser on PCP)

Post by Proctor Eldritch »

  • Buffet
I was in Charlie squad, IIRC. We stayed back with the bus and watched one of our IFVs spin in circles. Methinks vfig had a little too much to drink before this mission.

Too bad we missed the buffet. I heard they had some good lamb.
  • Wideola
I was Bravo medic on this mission. After an uneventful flight in a Chinook, x25killa(Bravo ASL), and I took to the trees for rendezvous with our MMG attachment. Wafflynumber was the MMG. While x25killa was surveying the environment, Waffly opened fire due to a freak Alt+Tab accident, killing x25 and another member of Bravo. :siiigh:

Shortly afterwards I died behind a fence.

The AI was too accurate on this mission. Most of Bravo were killed with one shot each and we couldn't get a visual on the enemy.
  • River Assault
I was in the IFV group as gunner. First 15 minutes of the mission were uneventful. EVFG and I decided to practice our dancing skills while we waited for orders.

Eventually we made our way to a hill just outside the north western entrance to the dam. Didn't engage anything other than a U.N chopper. One of the IFVs managed to knock out the chopper's tail rotor and our infantry forces made short work of its crew.

Unfortunately, a U.N BMP took out both IFVs in one fell swoop. The Takistani army really needs to stop skimping on defense spending, because those IFVs are paper thin.
  • Cholo
Crazed drug addicts attacked the police station. IceRaiser was constantly screaming for his DRUGZ! But no one managed to get him any. I brought glorious victory to the police by hiding in a room with a shotgun and shooting lots of bangers in the face.
Maybe I inspected that "evidence" a little too close, I swear I saw a car driving through the building up the second floor!? :shock:
I saw it as well. Apparently those bangers have a flying car.

Great session overall. Looking forward to playing with you fine folks again.

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Re: [Sun] 26 Aug 2012 (IceRaiser on PCP)

Post by ConcreteOtter »

Bravo 1 FTL - Headspace, me, Benjamin, theblobthing

This mission was basically the plot of Speed minus Sandra Bullock and with a lot more blue hats with guns. We in bravo 1 were to safely spearhead its advance (aka hide behind alpha meat shields). Soon into the mission we were engaging with EI at range and enjoyed great communication among the squad with us calling out targets as we spotted them. We were ordered to advance up as the diplomacy bus was not making its stops on time and the suburban commuters were getting pissy. There was probably a ten minute stretch in this mission where I kept talking on group to Ben and the Theblogthing asking if they need extra ammo only to realize they were not with me and my FTL and likely dead. So I stopped talking to dead people and bravely followed (nervously crawled 20 meters behind) my FTL Headspace into a valley where a hidden sniper picked off around 3 fellow blue hats around us. We are all scanning the hillsides around us looking for the sniper when out of the bush Headspace was prone behind the sniper popped up out of and Headspace mowed him down. Dirty bastard had been within a meter of us the whole time. The mission ended with us throwing caution to the wind and sprinting alongside the road hoping to complete the mission in time however the bus did not complete its route within the time given thus Keanu Reeves blew up in a fiery explosion of bus and man.

Bravo 1 FTL - me, AjAX, F-W, m0ntag

The mission began with an uneventful chopper ride and I fooled myself into believing, hey this might actually work out alright. Command gave us orders to spread out in a half circle around the first objective. Montag had earlier suggested we take some cover in a group of trees but since he was a filthy rifleman he was ignored. However once command gave this order it became a brilliant tactical decision on my part to go into the cover of the trees. With the objective in sight and no resistance things seemed to be going along swell. Then disaster struck, our HMG team had a minor stroke which resulted in a physical expression of Waffly's medical emergency (a crisp clean burst of fire) taking out two friendlies, including xKilla25 our BSL. Being given command of Bravo due to my superior ability to not stand near Waffly when he atl-tabs. I tried to follow xKilla25's pincer move on the farmhouse objective however I failed to properly scout (aka look around us) and in leading an assault on the farmhouse killed one heavy armed farmer (clearly a resident from the Western U.S. Suburban Town (TM) that I grew up in) before dying in the front yard of that dead farmer's house.

River Assault
Bravo 1 FTL - me, daf, wizz, icerasier

My day as FTL seemed so easy and peaceful to begin the mission, "bravo go to this ridge", "bravo shoot some dudes", then a wild BMP appeared and things snowballed from there. Great credit due to Wizz for being a fearless AT as I told him we were going to take out that BMP. What actually happened as we closed the distance for a shot was we got pinned near the compound and Wizz got wounded as his reward for listening to his FTL, after a bit of smoke grenades and TLC Wizz was "healed" although his legs were bugged and we (actually I) made a mad dash (slow crawl for Wizz) to the compound. Note how I haven't mentioned the BMP in a while. after securing the compound next to the dam apparently the BMP had decided to role play as a troll and was chilling out under the dam maybe 30 meters from us. Again I took Wizz with me to finish off the BMP troll. AT from another squad put one RPG into the BMP troll and then after calmly reminding Wizz about his right from his left, he left fly his RPG of Justice, however since justice is blind, the RPG was not effective, I decided to just to declare the troll "bugged" and crawled away. Later someone gave it a satchel sandwich and the troll finally gave up its ghost. Around then the thing that happened almost every mission this session I was given a battlefield promotion to DC due to my excellent talent of not being dead yet. Command gave a order to go around the riverbed and secure the other half of the dam. Even though we had been putting many bullets on the other side of the dam to my utter dismay upon crossing it was still filled with blue hats, blue hats apparently with an unlimited supply of RPGS and grenades. Command ordered us to hold this beachhead until armor arrived, so i continually yelled at everyone else to hold tight and not die but very few individuals followed my orders the armor support never came and eventually command went silent, so with 3-4 remaining poor saps still alive I decided a charge of the light brigade was the best course of action, I crested the beachhead in a full sprint to find the rest of brigade (can a brigade be 4 dudes?) cut down by blue hats and I decided to join them. As I lay wounded I think I saw Daf also bleeding out and decided to try to crawl to him so we could bleed out together however he left to that great Initializing Spectator Script in the sky before I could reach him. My last moments was watching our armor? race past me on the road to the objective we never reached and then it all went dark.


First time playing as The Man. The mission can be best summarized by saying.....Drugs, rocking out to soundtrack, Drugs, flaming car of death in the lobby, missing metal rocker dude on the ladder, Drugs, getting wounded, Drugs, laying prone wounded bleeding out with a shotgun, Drugs, contemplating the difference between the english and american concepts of the second floor, Drugs, iceraiser's death squeals, Drugs, proctor's shotty justice, and Drugs.

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Ferrard Carson
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Re: [Sun] 26 Aug 2012 (IceRaiser on PCP)

Post by Ferrard Carson »

Deployed as Special Needs Squad Charlie Medic
"Tell us what to do, tell us how to fix you." We join the ranks, once more, of a half-squad and command-element of Charlie, this time approaching a pass in the Southwestern mountains of the Feruz-Abad province. This time, as my speciality, Medic! After sitting back for several minutes and leisurely listening to our comrade smurfs steadily bite the dust, Charlie squad moved up, yours truly taking various pitstops along the way to give atomic wedgies to our comrades in Bravo squad who were lazy enough to be waylaid by something so pedestrian as bullets through their vital organs. We followed the bus as it wandered down the road.

Some minutes later, we were told to move up to replace a severely depleted Alpha, who would take over the cushy job of protecting the bus and its irascible driver. Contact was sporadic until Charlie was told to rush a bunker, wherein I did a perfect re-enactment of the scene from Saving Private Ryan, where I was the medic, I rushed a machine-gun bunker with my squad, and I died. My squadmates mucked up the performance by dying as well even though they're supposed to overrun the bunker and then ruminate over how best to split up my secret horde of "medicinal" chocolate.

Don't just take my word for it though:

Deployed as Bravo 2 FTL
"Plans? We don't need no stinkin' plans!" We spawn, our skin and clothes a horrible pixelated rash, seated in the back of a Chinook. I resist the urge to jump out just to find out what the heck that blasted armorer has equipped me with this time, since last time I spawned in a helicopter, I ended up with no ammo. Instead, we land in a field just southwest of a hastily identified objective for Bravo Squad, and move west-northwest. Then, TRAGEDY! Enemy agents among us, having infiltrated the MMG squad, empty a burst of fire into Bravo's Squad Leader, and Bravo 1 FTL takes command. MMG, thoroughly neutralized by a stern talking-to about the dangers of unprotected alt-tabbing, quickly vanishes, along with the rest of Bravo Squad, as we are slaughtered wholesale by farmers... :confused: Ex-Spetsnaz farmers! :hist101: Intel dropped the ball-round into our heads on this one. We had no idea we were heli-assaulting a town held by vicious, special-forces-trained operatives who have since retired to the quiet rural life. But deep down, their hands remember the rifle.

River Assault
Deployed as Alpha AAR
"Since when did the Smurfs know how to do things?" Really simple. Deputy Commander takes an 18-strong squad up forward to the dam, while the Commander provides support with Echo, Foxtrot, and MMG / HAT detachments. What could possibly go wrong?

Well first off, my role as Assistant Automatic Rifleman is completely superfluous, seeing as all my PKM rounds are tucked away neatly inside THE BACKPACK OF DOOM. That's right, I carry around on my back an instrument of pure evil and maliciousness which makes its will be known via The Bug(tm). So basically I'm just a dude with 100 rounds of FN-FAL ammo and a pair of frags. Yay! Alpha leads off, eventually cresting a hill where we watch mortar barrages for a few minutes, laughing in barely constrained glee each time a UNICEF mascot goes flying through the air. Enough time passes that our commander might start wondering what we were being paid for, and we're told to move down to the compound that has just been shelled. In the meantime, Alpha's AT guy uses his one rocket to induce mild concern in the hearts and minds of a random gunnerless M113, our "IFV's" (again, glorified cardboard boxes) bring down an Mi-8 which an AT guy then finishes out of spite, and I use up half my bullets firing at god knows what and hitting absolutely nothing. Once we make it to the compound, yours truly decides that what the platoon needs is an HMG team. With the help of my FTL, I reposition a KORD covered in the blood of Smurfs, and use it to spill more blue blood all over the forest that is rightfully ours. You know, I really do feel something when I kill all these poor, misguided souls in silly blue "shoot me" helmets. Recoil :v:

Afterwards was an ill-fated charge across the completely exposed top of the dam and a terrifying confrontation with strangely competent UN soldiers. Maybe they were possessed by the soul of some terrible terrorist beast.

For maximum ovarian-product-related glory charge hilarity, please click Play below:


~ Ferrard
Last edited by Ferrard Carson on Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Take a boat in the air you don't love, she'll shake you off just as sure as the turnin' of the worlds. Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down, tells you she's hurtin' before she keels... makes her home."

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Re: [Sun] 26 Aug 2012 (IceRaiser on PCP)

Post by SuperU »

Comrades I bring forth evidence of comrade wafflynumber's war crimes/incompetence (Same thing no?)


Poor x25killa...

Now to my AAR.

Was in Charlie 1 lead by fer, me as AR, Zitron as AAR and some other forgotten face as AT.
Whilst this mission had a slow start(Charlie was behind the Alpha/bravo meatshield), it picked up later in. Had fun setting up bases of fire and being in the thick of the fire, shame the timer ran out and we lost.

Warcrimes happened, I have been ordered to keep my accounts clear until after the court martial...

River Assault
I was delta ftl, we started by advancing to the ridge of the mountain overlooking the dam. From there we spotted and marked enemy positions and watched Eggs 1337 map clicking skills happen.

Once we had watched the strike we were then ordered to flank the crossing. Whilst we were moving to our RV we sustained enemy gunfire, so in turn we went firm in cover and shot back. From here on it went south, ordering my AR to set a base of fire was effective at taking the infantry down, however a sneaky sneaky m113 flanked us (the flankers!) and pumped 50 cal rounds into our faces. This promptly made me rage quit from the night.

Good session overall however despite the war crimes!

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Ferrard Carson
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Re: [Sun] 26 Aug 2012 (IceRaiser on PCP)

Post by Ferrard Carson »

Videos are compiled and posted! Enjoy!

~ Ferrard
"Take a boat in the air you don't love, she'll shake you off just as sure as the turnin' of the worlds. Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down, tells you she's hurtin' before she keels... makes her home."

Black Mamba
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Re: [Sun] 26 Aug 2012 (IceRaiser on PCP)

Post by Black Mamba »


I was in Alpha 2, the AT guy. After being shot at least once, and âtched up, my comms suddenly went black, i was the only one left. Yet, the Alpha squad, reduced to five guys, kept advancing cause public transport has a reputation to maintain. Then i ended up in an engagement with a dozen guys, one of them being the gunner in a SPG-9. After sending a few opponents to their agrarian paradise, and dodging two rockets, Matrix-style, i ate the third. Just in time to watch The Sneaky Amir Shah. Best AI ever.


Bravo Chinook Pilot. I pretty much did my job on that one. Dropped Bravo and attachments on the appointed LZ without any incidents, and the flew around the AO for the rest of the mission, marking lots of farmers on the map. Then i just tried and be a distraction by flying really low and slow. Yeah baby, that's the new tactical flight technique. A minute before the end, i was shot in the stomach through the cockpit and managed to land my 25 million dollars baby safe and sound even though i had died a few seconds before it hit the ground. Wolf though he could come and steal it, but spacetime got messed up and the mission ended. Haha.

River Assault:
Fox AR. After quite a lot of sun bathing on top of a hill, we were finally ordered to move up to the next rifge and provide fire support. everything was pretty calm, so i hid behind a rock and mowed down the crew of a crash landed helicopter. Then that BMP showed up and everybody died around me. I thought i was alone there, but as i revived three dudes (two of which seem to have died immediately after that), i realized Benjamin, my FTL, was somehow alive. I followed him to the other side of the river wher more mowing down was involved. Then we got pinned down by a nasty high caliber lead spitting smurf that shot me down twice. Benjamin didn't survive his second attempt to heal me.
I crawled back to some of our guys and got healed, only to get back to my position to stuff those two sneaky bastards that were trying to flank us. Ordered back to our position at the end of the dam, i killed a few guys again, flanking us from the other side. Then a charge was ordered and mostly everybody was shot down around me. I was try ing to help mingmong and m0ntag, then i got dead.
I was effective though, as i ended up with almost half as much kills than "Mapclick" Egg, which made me the second killer in that mission.

For some reason, my game wouldn't start without the beta. CTDed everytime. So my VON's was not working, thus reducing the fun in that mission when we were supposed to taunt the damn pigs. Anyway i was disoriented due to the lack of PCP and the excess of pot smoking in the halls, and got treacherously shot in the back by a jealous copper. Then i had to listen to Ice while begging for a quick fix or a quick death. Neither of which did happen.

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Re: [Sun] 26 Aug 2012 (IceRaiser on PCP)

Post by fer »


Charlie 1 FTL: Fer
|- AR: SuperU
|- AAR: Zitron
|- RPG: Proctor

Having met comrade Ansob many times in real life, I think he's perfect for the role of what the slotting screen describes as an 'irascible bus driver' in this mission. Charlie squad was really just comrade Waffly as SL, his medic and my 4-man fireteam. With full-strength Alpha and Bravo squads off being the main fighting elements, we pulled bus security duty, walking along behind the bus with the engineers. Behind and slightly to the side, in fact, as comrade Ansob had warned us that he was liable to reverse in a hurry in the event of contact. Or if his French bus-drivers union called a strike. Anyway, it was at least good of him to warn us.

In truth, we spent most of the first few minutes going nowhere, whilst the rest of the platoon was heavily engaged on the other side of the first hill. One of the M113s had pushed onto the crest and promptly exploded, whilst its companion had set off (quickly) in the opposite direction. When the errant tracked biscuit tin returned to the front, members of Charlie and the engineers immediately started making bets with each other as to its longevity. In single-digit numbers of minutes.

We ourselves went (literally) over the top some minutes later, initially to escort the bus, but soon found ourselves on a hill to the right of the road, supporting Bravo as it engaged some distant targets further up the valley. Then it was back to the road and a return to baby-sitting the bus again. Except it wasn't. Alpha had conspired to get its numbers significantly reduced by enemy kinetic action, and comrade CO Grizzly decided that now was the time for Charlie to convert to scouting duties and run up the hill. Towards the enemy bunker.

What we actually did was cross the road again and get into another long range firefight with an enemy foot patrol off to the west. Comrade SuperU mopped them up quickly, and we were about to set off when a pair of enemy armoured cars appeared in roughly the same area. So we carried on shooting until they weren't a threat anymore, then began running up the hill. We got about half way to the bunker when yet another enemy foot patrol engaged us, this time from downslope in a little creek off to our left. Oh, and upslope to our north. We returned fire and moved in bounds, acting as two pairs. Though we won the engagement, we lost one man and needed medical attention for another two. Comrade Waffly and his medic joined us in time to save my wounded, and then we all set off for the final bunker, knowing we had 3 minutes before the bus began its thunder run.

It was the kind of final dash where you get target fixation, and stop caring about threats that would usually have you diving for cover. At one point I heard comrade SuperU report an insurgent danger close to us, then myself replying "Just shoot him!". I hadn't even bothered to look. I just wanted to get to the top of the hill and neutralise that bunker. I threw grenades, we fired our guns, there was mayhem; but we took the bunker and the engineers cleared the mines.

And then the timer on the mission ran out.



Golf Puppeteer: Fer

When I made this, I hadn't quite anticipated that the local farmers would all be former special forces types with sharpshooting skills. So, apologies to the BLUFOR troops who died from high velocity rounds to the head. My plan had been for you to be riddled with bullets from the AKs of AI under the command of puppeteers. This will be tweaked.

My own experience as the puppeteer for Golf squad was atmospheric, but ultimately uneventful. After creeping about in a forest whilst an enemy Chinook flew overhead, I was eventually ordered to defend an isolated industrial compound containing a cache. Carefully, I positioned my men to cover every entrance and fence gap, then sprinkled the perimeter with a few IEDs before withdrawing to my command shed. Though we appeared to take sporadic fire from the south and west, the enemy assault never materialised, and comrade Tigershark dropped into our TeamSpeak channel to confess his abject failure as BLUFOR CO.

The moral of this story is: do not mess with farmers.


River Assault

Heavy AT Gunner: Tigershark
|- Assistant: Fer

With almost the whole platoon, its attachments and our fighting biscuit tins off to the north attacking the dam, it was a select little band that found itself on the hilltop, looking out across the AO with its assortment of laser designators and orange-hued Metis scopes. Comrade Egg, lifetime commander of the Folk Map-Click Artillery (Mortars) was there too.

It began well: two mortar rounds destroyed an enemy M113 on the near side of the dam, after which comrade Tigershark used his Metis to explode a BMP2 on the far side. However, this only appeared to anger the enemy, which promptly shot out comrade Tigershark's legs and sent forward more armoured units, which was a bit of an issue for us because we were out of missiles and down to 6 mortar rounds.

There then followed a very protracted period of watching our attack slow to a crawl, as the infantry snagged on the near side of the dam, pinned by fire from enemy armour and bunkers. Although comrade Egg did well with his remaining mortar rounds, for the most part we - up on the hill - were reduced to calling out increasingly excited warnings to the forward infantry units as they attempted to cross further upriver and flank the enemy (which was waiting for them in the woods just over the dam). The vagaries of mid-battle communications meant that most of our warnings went unheeded, and through the IR mode of my laser designator, I saw an awful lot of outlines of men treating the wounded.

Finally, we could take it no more. Comrade Egg had noticed an ATGM BDRM at our starting point, and went off to get it. I followed to collect an M113 and soon we had created - belatedly - a sustainable base of fire support section on the hilltop. Enemy armour exploded, my .50 cal minced some infantry under comrade Tigershark's guidance, and our infantry began to trickle across the dam. Then comrade Tigershark jumped (or perhaps crawled) into the driving seat of my M113, launched us down the cliff face, and exhorted me to engage the enemy at our 12'o'clock. We exploded in a ball of flame just by the river.

Comrade Egg and his assistant later did something pretty similar, only without the exploding part, actually making it right into the centre of the enemy artillery base. After some point-blank shelling of the enemy, they reverted to rifles and were killed. Afterwards, we all watched as the last of our infantrymen clung to their beachhead for a few more minutes, before they too succumbed to enemy fire.

Epic stuff. Next time, we might bring that ATGM asset to the start of the party, eh?


I don't know what it says about the Folk sessions that after 2 years the time when the comrades appear to be most happy, is when they're pretending to be high on PCP and attempting to massacre a police station full of cops. Although I would say that whether you're a banger or a shotgun-wielding copper, it can be glorious fun.

I didn't think the Spiderman move of our last play through could be topped, but whoever managed to propel that love bus into the first floor window should get a medal. As for comrade IceRaiser ... and Oscar doesn't begin to cover it.

Epic session, comrades, though a few rough edges which I'll pick up on in a separate post. As ever, thank you all for showing up: you make the sessions.


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Re: [Sun] 26 Aug 2012 (IceRaiser on PCP)

Post by Tink »


ENG1 Lead
Myself and Danny made up ENG1 which seemed like it would be a nice safe number hiding behind protecting the bus. Then we got ordered to go clear mines at alphas position. Once we moved up we found the mines were on the crest of the road and as I tried to sneak up to disarm them the enemy began charging my position. I now have a lot more sympathy for poor fer who just last week was relying on my squad covering him whilst he stood in the open playing with high explosives. I decided to retreat back down the road a bit and politely asked command to send alpha over the top to repel the enemy before clearing the rest of the mines. After that progress was slow until the end where we all rushed up the hill as the last few seconds of the timer counted down. Alas we were unable to get the politicians to the meeting before the sandwiches went stale and the peace talks were cancelled.


Bravo 3 FTL
Those cunning farmers had planted a waffle spy in our ranks and as bravo formed up on the first objective he struck with deadly accuracy executing the Bravo SL Killa and a member of Bravo 3 Jrides. Suffering from the grief of loosing such valuable members of our squad we clearly became innefective. Many men just gave up the fight, choosing to die in the streets to unseen sniper fire. I managed to get behind cover with the remains of bravo behind a building, everyone who wasn't flush with the building or who looked out slightly got gunned down so I decided to retreat charge in the opposite direction with the 3 men that now made up bravo squad. We circled round and cleared 1 site then moved on to the next one where we all died.

River Assault

Echo FTL
Once again I thought I'd have a nice safe time of things providing overwatch for Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta elements. They made it to the dam and we were ordered to flank along the dry riverbed. HAT kindly warned us of enemies in the trees to out SE but I was under the impression that someone from A,B,C or D FTs had made it over the dam and they would probably be busy engaging them. I was wrong and as soon as we climbed up the banks we were all shot.

Lessons learned - there is no such thing as a safe job in folk.

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