[Sun] 16 Sep 2012 (Joint session: Tier 1)

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[Sun] 16 Sep 2012 (Joint session: Tier 1)

Post by fer »

  • Wideola SE
  • Vanguard
  • Cholo
  • Cholo (again!)
Comrades, I did warn you that it would be better to hide behind the far more organised (and generally badass) crowd from Tier 1.


Huge thanks to everyone who came along, and especially to our guests from Tier 1. The player-count topped-out at 66, which enabled us to play two absolutely epic missions: Wideola SE and the new, even harder, Vanguard, before the after-party that is Cholo. Multiple-Cholo, that is. BTW, you didn't think the comrade mission maker responsible for Vanguard would sit idly by after it was completed some weeks ago, did you? Oh, you did? How sweet!

For those of you who spent much of the night watching from beyond the grave, as I did, thank you for showing such patience and good sportsmanship. It sucks to die early in a large player-count coop, but that's the gamble we all take with such missions - and this kind of event is not an every-week occurrence. That, 3 hours into the session, the number of spectators was well into the high 30s is a really nice comment on our crowd and Tier 1. On behalf of all hosts, I thank everyone who came along tonight.

As ever, please post your thoughts, feedback, screenshots and video here (PM me for details of Folk YouTube channel). Your AAR contributions help us in so many ways. Especially if they help us explain the concept of PCP-crazed gang-bangers to the new people.


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Proctor Eldritch
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Re: [Sun] 16 Sep 2012 (Joint session: Tier 1)

Post by Proctor Eldritch »

Wideola SE

I was in Alpha squad on this mission. We managed to leg it to two of our waypoints before our SL was taken down. The AI managed to wound the rest of us, so we crawled back towards our first waypoint to meetup with a medic. After receiving medical attention, we resumed our assault and managed to kill four AIs before coming to our own violent ends.

Watching how Tier 1 operates is interesting. Their marksmanship is incredible, to say the least.

Some shots from the mission:

One of the rebel farmers decided to heal Tier 1 member audiox, we can only assume he was to be taken to an internment camp for "questioning". In an interesting turn of events, the farmer was killed by friendly fire.


I was in alpha squad as medic during this mission. We were tasked with moving along the southern road to clear and capture a stronghold. It wasn't long until Alpha Squad Leader was promoted to commander. This mission went smoothly up until we ran out of RPGs. It seems that every time I play this mission we find ourselves cornered by a tank without any means of destroying it. Makes for some comical escapes, that's for sure.

Tier 1 member FreeFire was incredible on this mission. Last I checked, his kill count was at 26, not counting two tanks. He almost completed the final objective single-handedly. If it weren't for a locked mortar he may very well have won it for us. Well done, FreeFire.

Lots of shots:

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Re: [Sun] 16 Sep 2012 (Joint session: Tier 1)

Post by daf »

After much insistent by Comrade Fer (some of which may or may not have been under gun point) I decided to give this reporting thing a go.

Wideola SE
Under the command of Comrade Carson we set out to demonstrate our superior socialist tactics, a task we accomplished with great success by running into a tree line full of opposite forces leaving them in awe of our bravery, at which point we felt our mission was done and let ourself's get shot by the AI to show them we feared no death!

This time I teamed up as the AT under the command of a Tier1 member, running around and shooting at the enemies of the party, my end however arrived when faced with a enemy vehicle I missed my rpg shot...

Psychically sensing my FTL :siiigh: I valiantly attempted to use bullets to stop it's advance at which point I was rewarded with a glorious death in the service of the party!

Cholo 1/2: The return of the junkies
I needed drugs, the cops had drugs, need i say more? Surprisingly enough I survived both missions unharmed and high as a kite even netting a few bullets in the face of one of the dirty oppressors that was keeping me from my sweet sweet drugs.

All in all a good session were I proved hitting things is not required to show the glory of the party!

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Re: [Sun] 16 Sep 2012 (Joint session: Tier 1)

Post by ConcreteOtter »

Wideola SE

Bravo SQL - Stranglove
Bravo1 - me, Ghandi, Issus, Aleks

Bravo 1 got to take the point, which we reluctantly did, and our hesitation was well founded as we quickly came under fire after hitting our first movement marker. Strang kept up the slave driver commands encouraging us to keep moving up. In our effort to please our SQL we quickly found EI had taken to nesting in the same forest between us and Bravo 3. We did the best we could picking out targets and trying to not die, thanks for the heal whoever that was(note: this was not the last time my bacon got saved). I knew things were going to get worse in this forest of bullets when I was informed of my battlefield promotion to SQL. Things went from bad to worse when Command ordered us into a new forest of death and casually informed me that "be careful, Alpha was there, and they are pretty much gone". Bravo under my order ended up creating a public art installation entitled "Custer's Last Stand part II".


BSL - Tigershark
Bravo3 FTL - me, Theonly, Jigsor, Zitron

Excellent bounding work, FT did great blindly following me as a full sprint into no man's land. Followed by a couple scary encounters with BDRMs, but nothing as scary as my death announced only by the wooshing of the SPG. As an aside, I don't mind the potential long death time between rounds if it allows us to try larger, longer, and more complex coop missions. Plus it allowed me to make bacon and pancakes and have another cup of coffee.


BSL - Mike

Charlie FTL - me, Dannysaysnoo, Thirdkje, Issus

Driving around in circles is the best. Getting shot in the face with a shotgun is not the best.

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Re: [Sun] 16 Sep 2012 (Joint session: Tier 1)

Post by banshee »

First of all, thanks for the invitation.

The concept of "puppet masters" is really intresting, and I'll look into how to incorporate this for Tier1. Generally speaking we really missed ACRE but nevertheless had a lot of fun as far as I've grasped from other members.

Here is my AAR as Kilo Squad Lead for the first mission:

1. Insertion
We got inserted to the LZ just fine and I decided to split up my three teams, sending K3 to the south of the first objective acting as a recon/BOF element while K1 and K2 assault the objective from the forrest directly to the east.

On our way in we encountered a group of enemys right in the middle of K2 and K3, basicly advancing on top of K3. Due to comms issues (Could not hear my K3 lead over TS) we lost a man in K3 due to lacking fire support. Finally we decided to open up and mow down the enemy, K3 lost a man. Luckily we managed to proceed. By the time we actually made it to the objective, we lost allmost entire K1 due to an attack from the north wich they had to fight off allmost alone. Sadly we continued the sweep, clearing the objective. K3 did an awsome job of attacking and fighting off enemys comming in over the open fields from the west, effectivly setting up a blocking position, enforcing it with a curtain of bullets.

K3 advanced further on the south side of the valley towards a new BOF/recon position, south of objective two, while I was advancing with K2 in the treeline towards the nw, setting up an OP north of the 2nd target. By that time I was promoted to overall lead, increasing my workload drastically. Alpha has been anilhilated by that time and the correct status of Bravo was not entirely clear to me.

We commenced our assault on the 2nd target, blew up an ammo truck and solidated our position. K2 was sent to the northern treeline to block the position towards the west, engaging enemys comming in from Zeleno while K3 moved onto target from their southern position.

By that time Bravo informed me that they're good to go again and even collected some Alpha survivors. I asked them to move onto the first Alpha objective, not knowing the exact enemy strength and location. But I assumed that they're assessing the situation themselves and formulate/exectue a good attack plan. Sadly Bravo was eaten up very qickly, so I ordered the remainders as gunners into Alpha and Bravo choppers to give CAS for Kilo. Sadly no Bravo member arrived at any chopper.

HQ gave us new intel: The last cache was at Alpha Objective 2, so I ordered BlackAlpha to pick us up and drop us in a safe spot to the west of the objective and do some fake landings on the other side of the objective. Bravo Chopper was shot down and got picked up by Alpha chopper, to provide some CAS.

While we were advancing east towards a position north of the target, I asked the CAS to do some runs on the target to distract and thin out the enemys. Sadly the chopper took an SPG-9 very quickly, leaving us without airsupport.

All of a sudden, hell broke loose. Trucks were incomming from the east, just to get a warmly welcome by 5.56 from rifles, SAWs and 203's. Those are some very effective beasts. :P
By that time we got the attention of myriads of RPG and SPG guns, obliterating the forrest around us. One rocket exploded in the tree right in front of me, allmost ripping me to pieces. I decided to not use hit&run tactics to thin out the enemy but to push onto the objective, to die a glorious death for the entertainment of our fellow spectators.

The situation looked very bad. I had the feeling that troops from the northern caches would move in because of all that noise as well, so I urgently pushed towards the target. By that time it all got dirty and messy. Using fireteam bounding we advanced to the first set of buildings, having SPG's and RPG's exploding everywhere around us. K2 informed me of enemys comming in from the north, fighting them off and enabling K3 and KL to move towards the next set of buildings.

K2 allmost was decimated and a hail of bullets, RPG's and other stuff was comming from all directions. I took my 2nd hit and got patched up again, enabling me to make my way into the objective. Charging into that alone was not the best idea but I did fairly good. Waiting for K3 was not an option because I wanted to get some hard cover between me and the enemy guns. Roaming around and securing the poorly defended objective single handed, I ran past the cache without noticing it just to catch some bullets from enemys incomming from the south.

By that time K3 arrived at the scene and got eliminated by enemy forces floating into the compound. We simply didn't have enough manpower to effectivly defend the compound and also failed to secure a defendable position. But all in all we would have died in the hail of russian bullets anyway. I was very surprised that we survived that long, but some training in tactics and the exeptional marksmanship of some Tier1 guys apparently pay off after all. :P

Mission 2:
I was CSL, using fireteam bounding towards the objective. Sadly my C3 FTL wasn't really on the toes and lagged behind the movment plan quite often. We finally secured the buildings north of the factory complex, helping to get some stress off Bravo. On the NW of the factory, we encountered an enemy squad + technicals. While assessing the situation I took a bullet to my helmet wich decided to be not protective enough and let me die instantly. :(

All in all it was a great session. I really missed ACRE tough. What I also missed and found a little annoying was some AI improvements. I don't know to what skill level the AI was set to, but they were all like super snipers. On our server we run ASR_AI mod. This is a serverside mod, so not a problem with the "no mods" policy. It enables to set the skill independently from the shooting skills again, enabling you to have very smart AI (aka Skilllevel 0.9 o even 1) while having reduced shooting abilities. So they don't headshot you with a pistol from 800 m anymore. You can even set the stuff for diffrent unit types independently, so a Spec Ops team has a high level of marksmanship compared to the takistan farmer brigarde who has most likley a lower skill in shooting and maybe a little less inteligence in therms of tactics and all that. :P If you guys are intrested in testing this out, I'd gladly help out and explain you the config and all that.

All in all, thanks for the invitation and congratulations to two years of folk!

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Re: [Sun] 16 Sep 2012 (Joint session: Tier 1)

Post by Black Mamba »

Thanks to Fer, the hosts and Tier1 for that fantastic session!

Wideola SE

Well, being from the Bravo squad, i'll try and shed some light on what happened there. Even though i didn't have much time to assess the situation as a whole.
B3, AR. Toppo was the FTL, audiox the AT guy and i'll be damned if i can remember who my assistant was. Sorry to you already. At first, I was not that comfy with the plan. The frst position we needed to assault after securing our LZ, was slightly north of us, uphill. Assaulting from downhill did look like a bad idea from the very beginning, but a nice bounding movement from all three fireteams managed to lead us to that objective without my fireteam taking any casualties. I'm pretty sure B1 (was it B2, actually?), on our right flank, did take some though.
The morning lighting didn't help much, as twice it took me several seconds to identify enemies, as they were attacking from the east with the sun in their back.
Then we were ordered to move to the former alpha position, being warned that Alpha had been pretty much obliterated there and couldn't keep up with the general momentum.
We followed a treeline towards that position and soon came under fire, frome the East, then from the north. The enemy was everywhere, and mostly between us in the same woods. B3 fared well then, only getting one injured, while the rest of Bravo started to fall like flies and comms all went apeshit.
This is pretty much the point when i lost any slight slice of an idea of what was the big picture here. Alpha was non-existent, the rest of Bravo was scattered in the woods, and I had no idea at all of where Kilo was. Xenu, Bravo Medic, was stuck with us. People in my FT kept getting shot and Xenu did a nice job of patching them up while i provided suppressing fire. Whoever was in charge of Bravo at the moment (i'm not sure it was still Strang) ordered us to break contact and move back. Unfortunately that's the moment the treacherous enemy chose to flank us on the west side. My whole fireteam got wounded in a split-second and i provided suppressing fire towards the west for a minute or so, spitting about 400 rounds in that treeline. Seemed to be effective at the moement, as the amount of incoming fire diminished to the point i could fix up Toppo, who would in turn fix the other guys as i got back to mowing trees.
For the (at least) fourth time, we were ordered to pull back, but i guess there wasn't any place to pull back to anymore, as we were taking fire from about everywhere. I got shot, bled out while Toppo was fixing me up, and he died soon after. This was the end of Bravo, the last survivor being audiox and his heroic one-man last stand.

Then, exactly as i predicted when we were still in the chopper, we got to watch our Tier1 comrades do their thing, while all of FOLK/ARPS people were dead. I didn't go to bed though.

Vanguard SE

HAT assistant, the gunner was Strang. We followed Bravo advance, doing a little spotting here and there. When we got to the factory, we took position on a rooftop, and had a good overview. Strang fired his first rocket, we went back down so i could provide him with a second projectile, then i went and searched for some decent weaponry, as we would soon be out of AT capability. The second i came back, i saw an SPG rocket explode on Strang helmet. I searched for his body (well, mainly for his Metis) during a few minutes, and resolved myself to announce Tigershark (BSL) we had no more HAT as Strang launcher was probably in orbit around the moon at that time.
Then i followed Tiger and Joe around, until i was wounded behind a tree.
What happened next kinda pissed me off.
I was wounded, crawling towards to perfectly sound and safe guys. They looked at me and took of, even though i was shouting all kinds of shit on group VON and direct VON. Then, a minute or two later, another guy went up i and decided to break the rules and call him on TS. He did patch me up, thanks to you, anonymous buddy.
I said this buggered me a bit, that's because it happened again.
After a few firefights mostly coordinated by Joe (medic!),what was remaining of our forces started to be obliterated by an enemy tank. As i had killed an enemy AT guy in the distance, i ran up to him, took his rpg and two rockets, and moved up to have a good position on the tank. Was about to shoot it when i got shot by a static Dshk in my back, which i had negliged due to my magnificent tunnel brain capability.
That's when i had three of our guys standing around me, looking at me, for at least 5 minutes until i bled to death. And yet i tried communicating on direct, group, and TS.

So please, guys! When you see a guy crawling half speed around you, just take a few seconds to assess his state. After, that, you decide what's best, call your FTL, etc... If there's absolutely no way you patch him up, due for example to incoming fire, i'm pretty sure we're all fine with that. Now, in a protected position, i find it very unpleasant to see people wandering around your wounded body and not doing anything about it.

Finally, as Banshee raised the subject, i'd be all for that. ASR_AI, TPW_LOS, TPWCAS and even the SLX_findcover make for a really better AI, longer firefights, and make the use of suppression really important. The thing you did forget though, is that running ASR does need the server to run CBA, thus everybody to run CBA. Which is supposedly out of the question for now.

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Re: [Sun] 16 Sep 2012 (Joint session: Tier 1)

Post by Bodge »

Wideola - AI Puppetmaster lead
My objective for this mission was to finish with an intense firefight over the final cache with as many rounds being expended as possible while leaving the player/AI ratio so close as to it not to matter who was successful in completing their mission.

I split my ten squads into 3 elements with my own squad separate stationing each element at 12, 4 and 7 o'clock on the edge of the red circle. ABC were holding the SW route into the caches with one Alpha holding the Southern most cache and Bravo/Charlie holding position between that cache and the most central one. DEF were tasked with securing the Eastern approach towards Zelenogorsk and to delay any advance from that direction while falling back. GHI were holding the Northern cache.

Soon contact reports were coming in from all elements with choppers sighted moving back and forth. It wasn't long before Alpha was heavily engaged and Charlie had infantry contacts. Meanwhile men were seen on the ground to the East by DEF. I wasn't about to have my squads drawn away from their objectives so we left any landing choppers alone in case it was a diversion. All squads were instructed to provide only suppressive fire unless they were in close quarters with the enemy and it wasn't long til both Alpha and Charlie were taking heavy losses. DEF had sporadic contact with the infantry to the East and slowly pulled back towards the objectives, wherease GHI only had helo contact.

Bravo became the only significant force between the SW advance and the caches so D/F were ordered to move to support while E maintained contact with Blufor's Eastern push. GHI had no contacts so G/I pulled South to become a reserve against the East and Southwestern fronts and Hotel were to perform recon then follow. There was a lot of noise in the treeline and it became obvious that the AI locals were going on a rampage and Bravo were being too effective as a blocking force. D&F were ordered to pull back from their flanking manouver to give Blufor a chance to recover wounded, it was around this time that it became obvious some information had been leaked to the enemy regarding the locations of the weapon caches as the enemy forces were airlifted to new locations. After this redeployment Golf closed on the Northern cache to try to secure it and took heavy losses, so all remaining forces were ordered to positions around the final cache West of Zelenogorsk

Delta moved into the SW treeline and swept the forest with myself leading the command squad in from the North. I was soon engaged by a couple of Blufor so I threw a million smoke grenades at them and charged in with my makarov in had, unfortunately they seemed to have bled out or been removed by Bravo from the S. India became engaged in the treeline North of the cache and it was evident this would be the final firefight of the mission. Delta moved up from the South with Fox, India was suffering losses while GH and other remnants moved in from the town. My AI moved into the trees next to the objective and I covered from the road SE of the target putting suppressive fire, an RPG barrage flew into the treeline occupied by the remaining BluFor pushing them back slightly. The kill order was rescinded with all units shooting to incapacitate or suppress, the opposition were bounding from cover to cover towards the target and reached the compound with a fireteam or so still up. Then once again the cache AI went all rambo and all puppeteer AI were ordered to suppress only and pull out of the compound area. Unfortunately for Blufor the AI from two caches had formed up and eliminated the remaining players.

I had planned to have Charlie/Bravo move and clear the Nango compound and Alpha secure the road before moving to assault the first stronghold from the South with Bravo supporting from the West and Charlie securing the road North of it. This kinda happened but not with me in command, I moved up to Alpha's rear behind a rock, when i stood up to look around I saw an SPG round heading straight for my face. I started running but it hit the rock behind me and the splash got me. Good movement from all squads was evident in this though even when Alpha proceeded to try and hug all the vehicles in the Zarg area.

Cholo 1&2 I died with out that much happening.

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Re: [Sun] 16 Sep 2012 (Joint session: Tier 1)

Post by Mamuto »

Hi Folk! This was my first session playing with you guys (or really anyone) and I had a blast! So thank you all for that. Coming from DayZ as my only experience, I was a complete noob to tactical ArmA 2. Regardless, I had a blast having a crash course in squad play. Here are my impressions from the night:

The first mission saw me as an assistant MMG attached to Bravo. I was extremely giddy as we loaded into the chopper and headed off to the LZ. However, as soon as we landed, it was hard to keep track of where to go and who to stick with. I had CC enabled in TeamSpeak which in hindsight didn't help matters as I was hearing pretty much everything going on. I tried to stay close enough to be useful. As Bravo started moving through the forest up the hill, we met heavy resistance. I made my way up to the front, but a squad has been wiped out by that time. Through CC, I heard that we received new orders to meetup with Alpha to our northwest. However, Bravo couldn't disengage well enough to do that. *(I can see why now, there were 4-5 enemy squads in our forest. Thanks for that Bodge :P) We kept getting people downed and our medics were constantly busy. I covered our north flank and managed to take out an enemy squad that was within 50 meters of our position. Then a sniper opened up on us and I lost my attachment leader. I got hit as well but luckily Xenu was there to revive me and medic me up. We then proceeded maybe 100 meters further Northwest before getting hit from the east (this time like 25 meters out) and all of us died. I think the constantly changing orders really messed us up. I heard at least 3-4 different orders like to meet up with Alpha, to pull out and evac, to take a cache, to evac, etc... Also, not knowing the strength of the enemy didn't help. Recon/Intel would have really helped us out.

Second map was just so epic. I had the HMG this time around. Watching the four helicopters land and all of you get out was awesome. Then the IFV's and squads bounding over each other through the desert was equally as awesome. I was with Bravo this time as well, with TigerShark as the squad leader. He did a great job commanding us, often leading the charge (and almost getting himself killed a few times. Luckily he had me covering his brave ass :D). I set up the HMG outside the factory and a few people had me targetting by compass enemies that I could barely see. That was new to me, so thank you to those people for being patient. I even blew up a technical, haha! We then proceeded further East but I got headshotted by a hidden enemy from the North. Only later did I see that our left flank was exposed due to Charlie being further up North than I thought. Oh well, part of the learning process. Also, SO. MANY. TANKS.

Cholo was interesting but way too one-sided and therefore too easy for me.

I also agree that AI can be better. I wouldn't mind running @CBA if it meant smarter and less aimbot/headshotty AI. Just my two cents :)

Hope to see you guys next week (or Tuesday)! My goal will be to survive a whole mission.


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Re: [Sun] 16 Sep 2012 (Joint session: Tier 1)

Post by audiox »

Great night, my second time with you guys, and i had a great time even though a lot of it was spent crawling and spectating.

Wideola SE.
Bravo 3. (Proctor, I don't know how you got the idea that i had anything to do with Tier 1, unless they have a secret team of crawl/shoot/miss-specialists that is so special that the party considered it best not to mention to its members. In which case you should be shot for treason for disclosing its existence. And so should, apparently I....Oooops.)
Since my first round of Wideola I've managed to remove some of my fear of the forests. This time I brought TWO copies of Shostakovich's "Suite On Finnish Themes" to ensure that our victorious sweep through the forest would be accompanied by burly man-song/humming. Toppo was great as FTL, and we managed to work our way through the forest unharmed for a while. I am sorry to say that the decimation of entire Bravo was a ploy hatched by my "contact" (of which we apparently have photographic evidence) who considered it wise to slaughter all of Bravo except me so as to not rouse any suspicions when handing me vital plans for construction of machines to make new ploughshares now that we have turned all of our ploughshares into guns for the revolutionary struggle. (Comrade Turnip is still not strong enough in its socialist beliefs to do its part and till the land itself, a few more generations of breeding and Lysenko will probably get this fixed as well!)
He concluded the plan by getting inconspicously shot by somebody. I was unable to walk, crawled around, talked to surviving Bravo members and thought it best to head in the direction of where it said "Medic" on the map. This plan was OK until i was shot again. I thought i was dead then, but could move further, and ended up in a firefight with an OpFor with just the right body size to hide behind a tree and shoot me. Firing whilst wounded is fun, but not effective....
At least I didn't cause an RPG-round to hit a Chinook this time. Yay!

Bravo 2.
Sooooo. In this mission i suddenly find myself in a fireteam with three Tier1-people. A great opportunity to learn from professional comrades, i thought. Unless they have comms problems and you have a machine that finds it a chore to provide more than 10-15 fps, that is. Luckily our commander must have sensed this, and decided to take an SPG round in the face so that i could be sure that somebody more important than me had died before i got hit by something. Which i did, whilst standing in the wrong place writing about my horrible framerate. More running, less writing will surely be a mantra in future sessions.
Freefire, 'nuff said.
(I'd really like to get approximate AI-unit-numbers for Wideola and Vanguard, since my machine hums along in Wideola but volunteers for mining in the Urals rather than to play Vanguard.)

Cholo 1&2
I thought the smoke in my smoke grenade was some kind of drugs, so i decided not to use it to cover my approach up the stairs. Where i slipped on some drugs lying on the floor and fell into a bullet.
First time playing Cholo. Laughed a lot.

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Re: [Sun] 16 Sep 2012 (Joint session: Tier 1)

Post by SuperU »

My view of windola,

Vanguard, and a special video coming soon!

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