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[Tue] 13 Aug 2013 (All Hail!)

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 10:00 pm
by Bodge
Tonight we played:

  • Moonless
  • Compound it
  • Beach Boys
  • Holy Stones
  • Colonels
We peaked at 38 players tonight, not bad considering a number of large releases today. We had some superbly successful co-ops and some rather one sided advs but it was all jolly good death nonetheless. Moonless's ambush went beautifully and the town clearance went off without a hitch, I heard worrying rumours we didn't lose anyone. Compound it ended as expected with blufor getting cut down mercilessly. Beach Boys was a roaring success the special ops team had a superb run, hopefully the main platoon had as much fun entertaining the enemy armour. Holy Stones was a quick zerg rush to victory as indie couldn't dislodge the early capture of the bunker. Colonels was just carnage.

Please put thoughts and reports below.

Re: [Tue] 13 Aug 2013 - All Hail!

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 10:53 pm
by dancemoox
Moonless - Medium Machine Gunner - Hero_SWE Assistant

Dispatched to set up with Charlie Squad, - also of note in this mission, I heard goat noises behind me, turned and saw daf. He said nothing I head more goat noises then he departed -I got into position and was eventually asked to jump on CC. His Excellency Lord Penny wanted us to move position slightly as he had taken command. We moved to get more visual across the road both east and west. We held out of sight waiting for the infantry to move into the kill zone, listening into CC I relayed what Draakon was seeing on the opposite hill to my assistant. We held waiting for 20+ foot mobiles to amble into the kill zone, eventually they stopped and did nothing. Tigershark blew his IED and I took up position to mow down the remains, I fired on three - the contact was over.

Moving up with Charlie to attack the town I was tasked by CSL Bodge to engage several covered trucks, a technical or two. I also spotted a ZU truck far to the north, that somehow knew I'd spotted it as it drove away. By this point my assistant was having connection issues, he'd appear for a moment then lose his connection, I was tempted to execute his AI for his 200 rounds of lovely PKM ammo and the shiny rangefinders. Deciding I'd only do it when I got very low on ammo I relaxed my trigger finger and took up a position covering Charlie as they swept into town. With no contacts aside from unmanned technicals I set off down into the Charlie cleared sector and got myself up onto the roof. Some potshots were coming in as Charlie blew up trucks and things around, I was finally able to spot the culprit to the south, on the reverse slope where I'd been giving covering fire. I ranged him fired three rounds and the mission ended.

Compound It - Opfor Bravo 2 FTL - Iceraiser AR, Kruger AAR, Capernatious AT

Again I must pay the party the MMG price. Bravo 2 held our cache and our bicycles from the invading imperialists. We were the first to hear the enemy Chinook coming in to land and were ready to meet the enemy advance, A2 however positioned on the hill south west of us were the first to engage. A long long long time then passed, marked with the Chinook taking two RPG hits from Alpha. Nothing much then happened from B2s position until the Chinook went into level flight south east of my building, I called up Capernatious and he let rip with his RPG, the first round appeared to miss exploding near to the Chinook. Why the pilot didn't react is a mistery, Capernatious reloaded and scored a good hit on the rear rotor, it went down hard and any ideas Capernatious had about being rusty were dismissed.

Eventually some Bluefor dudes showed up to the west of our compound, I judged them to be within the IED killing zone, they were however 50m beyond where I thought they were (curse the low walls and my inability to count them). Waffly had requested I dispatch my AR Iceraiser onto the hill formerly the site of A2. He arrived and was able to eliminate the enemy contacts. The Bluefor attack faltered, we were pulled back into line with B1 BSL and CO where we expected the next attack to come from Alphas former position. It never arrived so we went looking for them,. Iceraiser was kidnapped by CO medic Audiox, eventually Waffly killed one of the Bluefor remainders, echoing my orders to my fireteam "FIRE EVERYTHING" and I joined Draakon and Ice on the assault up the minaret.

Beach Boys - Bravo Medic - Madtoaster BSL

I was the front gunner on the bravo boat, we moved in towards the beach and I couldn't see anything through the fog, just before we made landfall I spotted a bunker and let rip with the 50cal killing the gunner. I jumped out took cover behind a tree and called the first of three technicals that showed up. One from the west, one from the south (that the engine remained running the entire mission) and one from the north. With Alpha moving out from the beach we gave what cover we could through the fog. I gave some Bravo men a row for using lasers to burn out each others retinas, I had only two spare sets with me and they'd be needed for real casualties not rave or disco related mishaps..

We were about to move out south down the road when MAT2 EBass spotted 6000+ EI swarming north of us, most were without weapons the rest without a sense of life preservation - Midway though the contacts the CO took a stray round and I patched him up before more blame could be assigned. With the contacts dealt with we again prepared to move south, before the order was issued out of the fog rolled in a BMP-2, I dashed from the bus stop where I'd been taking cover and went prone inside the bunker I'd engaged from the boat. I could see from my ST hud that BSL was close by, saw the BMP smash down the bus stop and turn madly around, rockets hit it and somehow nobody was killed nearby, as it turned out Dogface was its target, he had manned an enemy technical thus angering the Arma gods..

We then moved south keeping up with Alpha, I remained at the rear of Bravos advance to begin with keeping a link between us and MAT2 who were tasked with rear guarding us. When they moved forward to engage the first of many tanks I moved along the line of bravo spotting targets, and I found myself to be the furthest south and furthest forward on our line of advance. I kept my head down when tanks rolled in from the north, only moving up to spot where they'd moved to once it was relatively safe. The two new tanks held us up for quite a long time, one was taken out by us the other killed by Alpha. Right before moving out I checked the map, and let BSL know about the bunker on the dock arm, we group engaged the gunner and the spotlight operator.

I moved with one of the fire teams clearing the dock area before switching to the west side of the road, I joined BSL inside the industrial compound he was in and was lit up horribly either by a ZU-23 or some unidentified armour inside the quarry. All I know is I died and most of the cover I was moving alongside was gone when I took a look on the spectator side of things. I'm not sure what Madtoaster was doing with my body perhaps doing some BlueforCSI to work out what had happened.

Holy Stones - The Great & Mighty Azoz Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas and Conqueror of the Aziz Empire

I set my devout followers on both sides of the market and rushed for the stones, setting myself up inside the bunker. As the enemy slowed themselves murdering my loyal civilian subjects I prepared my doomsday weapon just incase they dared approach my mighty command bunker.. It was however not needed as I was victorious as ever!

Colonels - The Great & Mighty Azoz II Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas and the Great Successor to his Mighty Father Azoz

I set my minions the task of pushing in from the east, I set of in my command UAZ and watched some of the carnage unfold from my temporary HQ. I spotted the Aziz infadels moving several compounds away and let rip with GP, getting off two rounds before the dastardly enemy replied with an RPG. But no mortal weapon may slay the Great Azoz II - the building turned to dust around me and I was able to step from the rubble unscathed. With my loyal subjects dying around me I gave one some comfort before his death, and executed the suspected traitor Bodge, who declined a lift in my luxurious command UAZ.. My followers abandoned me and my essence ascended to a higher plane of existence where I continue to murder Bodge with GP rounds.. :dance:

Re: [Tue] 13 Aug 2013 - All Hail!

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 12:41 am
by Homercleese
Beach Boys.

The icy cold sea mist made a mockery of my muttered rendition of Surfin' Safari so I cut it off before Madtoaster, our ASL, earmarked me for any suicide missions. So I waited in silence, listening to the last minute orders, barely audible over the roar of the RHIB which sent vibrations running through my body and the L110A1 clasped tightly in between my legs. That weapon defined my responsibility, I was an Automatic Rifleman of the British Royal Marines, Alpha 1 fire team, and I was here to direct all that firepower at militant fundamentalists who were threatening the civilian population of Chernarus about one kilometre to our west. And I was nervous.

This discomfort wasn't helped by what I knew of our Fire Team Leader, Bandzai, who I had seen in the past display amazing disregard for his own safety in pursuit of 'glory'. It was balanced somewhat by our AAR, HydrA-, who I knew wanted nothing more than to heal people. Well, friendlies anyway and was willing to abandon anyone to do so. Zanzos however, our AT, was starting to unnerve me with his cold stare and incessant stroking of his AT weapon (NLAW?). I surreptitiously withdrew my little finger from the barrel of my LMG.

The fog parted and there!, there was the coast. And despite all my fears we weren't greeted by a hail of bullets. The boats hit gravel and we leapt ashore, Bandzai immediately marshalling us north to cover, the first in a series of FT level initiatives that ASL struggled to constrain. Just as we were about to return to the LZ a technical stormed into our AOE from the north. The squad turned and opened up as the technical followed what seemed to be a routine patrol, unaware of us until it passed through our sights and was knocked out immediately. It was quickly followed by a second and third but all went down with barely a whimper.

Feeling more settled, three technicals destroyed and still about half the rounds remaining in my first of five ammo drums, we headed inland, west to a copse of trees while bravo maintained a coastal position. Almost immediately we spotted a camp site and multiple contacts. But dispatching these almost seemed too easy. At night, shielded by the darkness while using our NVGs and laser sights we picked off the sparsely equipped ChDKZ as soon as they appeared. Another 10 EI down and I'd only just had to reload. I was starting to feel pretty cocky.

Moving south, this pattern continued with multiple enemy sighting to our south-west, emerging from the woods. Taking position in an open field and using hay bails for cover we set about disposing of the latest formation to cross us. And then things got a bit dicey. Contacts we spotted advancing to our south-east and north-west, as well as the enemy we were engaging to our south-west. And they kept coming. A flood. I started to consider how the Wehrmacht must have felt on the eastern front. A tide of soviets clambering over their bleeding comrades. And they weren't firing! Not that I could see. Were they working in pairs? One with the gun, the second with bullets? And no matter how short and controlled my burst were I was still counting down my rounds with a growing panic. Alpha squad members around me started to call out for additional magazines. During a lull I hunted out HydrA- and took the two additional ammo drums he was carrying for the L110A1. And just in time, a hind broke through the clouds practically on top of us. Everyone aimed up and fired with apparently no effect, it whoomped away to the south, again without firing. Maybe these ChDKZ were radical pacifists and the were approaching us only to hand over their weapons?

On and on came the tide of Tribbles. The Hind made repeated passes, perhaps to obligingly provide some extra airflow to cool our overheating weapons. But were weren't about to accept charity from these tribals! The very notion of it offended! Puzzlement and creeping panic turned to indignant outrage as the ASL directed myself and the other LMGs and the MMG against the Hind leaving the riflemen to provide the militants a sharp lesson in Social Darwinism. Flesh yielded more easily than the metal hide of their hospitality wagon and elements of Alpha went to check whether the pacified ChDKZ carried bullets, even if only as ornamentation. But the Hind had more kindness to deliver. It's final pass swooping east to west was again met with MG fire and it began to descend. But towards our scavengers! Whether by intention or due to damage, it impacted and several members of Alpha were incinerated in the blast. If we had begun to gather doubts about our enemies intentions or just had our blood-lust sated, we were now focused again with hippy slaughter on our minds. I tore a RPK from a pair of recently charbroiled hands and tossed aside my now spent L110A1.

Continuing south, Alpha 1 FT moving on the right flank, I caught Zanzos staring back, past me and heard the beginnings of a squeal of pure terror emanate from the most cowardly part of him. Turning I brought up my MG and after the briefest moment of puzzlement, my brain resolved the image of a bunker. A bunker we had all just jogged past. A bunker facing directly into the back of Alpha. A bunker facing directly towards ME! A bunker containing the biggest tripod mounted MG I had ever seen. A bunker containing a DShKM and a man standing behind it. From somewhere impossibly close I heard another squeal, identical to that coming from Zanzos. And then we fired. The man was hit and went down fast and we were relieved to find he was EI. Friendly fire hadn't even crossed my mind. Myself and Zanzos haven't talked or made eye contact since then. Noises were made that require time to be reburied.

South, and we came to what these dirt lovers considered a town and a large bunker complex. After the terror of the bunker MG, Bandzai made sure to check the bunker and again there was a perfectly non aggressive militant in the tower. No mercy. We were past even consideration of that and the Chedaki finally seemed to realise this. Out came the tanks. Suddenly they weren't playing any more and Zanzos recovered from our earlier shame and began full on handling of his AT weaponry only hinted at earlier by his shipboard fondling. He was joined by the attached MAT squad and they proceeded to devour the armoured onslaught but began to face the same problem as against the infantry earlier. Reloads diminished and Bandzai was lost in a selfless delaying action against a T-72 at point blank range. Our insanely fearless leader charged alone while the craven HydrA- hid, craddling MY L110A1! With ammunition! He had been holding out on me! If I hadn't been running away from the tank, boy, I would've given him the frowning of a lifetime.

The final BMP-2 went down after miraculously surviving 4 solid hits and we caught a breather. Despite loosing our FTL Bandzai, Alpha 2 had it much worse and Aido, the sole survivor, joined us. As part of this reorganisation I was somehow left as Alpha 1 FTL and that's about where my coherent memory of events ends. We went a bit further south, blew up some trucks, ASL seemed to think this was of the utmost importance, and Alpha 1 largely ran about the place uncoordinated while I struggled with finding waypoints and reading the previously ignored details of our mission. The goals achieved (thankfully without any required input from me) we moved back towards the LZ and I grew into my new leadership role admirably, issuing orders like, 'Uh, follow me', 'Um, does anyone know where 'Alpha dead' waypoint is?' and 'Did anyone hear what ASL just said?' with incredible panache and confidence, dragging my FT through it's greatest challenge yet, me, by willpower alone.

Bar extinguishing the misguided lives of a few Chedaki stragglers and an extended beach run back to the boats the mission went off without a hiccup. And ended with perfect timing, just as I was about to accidentally throw a grenade. Time to hit the pub!

Re: [Tue] 13 Aug 2013 (All Hail!)

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:51 pm
by audiox
Compound It
MadToasterFOR CO Medic | Madtoaster55

Huddle, huddle, huddle, huddle. Get shot. Get well. Huddle, huddle, huddle. Drive blue car gloriously towards other city in one man death charge. Die.

Beach Boys
Alpha SL
FTL1 : Bandzai, FTL2 : Draakon, MMG : Disreputable_Dog, MAT1 : Phoenix

Ok, this mission is kind of nuts. I noted it in an AAR the last time we played as well, but i have to reiterate that the AI feels very toothless at night. Most casualties sustained were to either FF or close range tanks, which basically means that something is a bit off. It is a useful mission, since it contains a lot to shoot at, and they're swarming from all sides, so tactics and positioning can play a role w/o the SL's and CO's feeling too overwhelmed (since they know that the EI won't hit a barn anyways....).
It is a fun mission, no doubt about it. The tempo is snappy, and there is pretty much zero downtime. But it leaves the bitter aftertaste of an indoor turkey shoot. For instance, did the Hind ever fire on us? It's cool to see it overhead, but if it doesn't fire then it grows old fast.

Hey! Let's play it in daytime! :science101: :laugh:

Anyway. Alpha managed well. I got to play the markers and sectors to watch game and enjoyed that part quite a lot. A1/2 landed on the beach with no problems, whereafter they set up in the forest near the beach. This was a good FTL-call, but it was a bit marred when A1 started moving south instead of staying in that position until asked to move. Especially as they never told me they were on the move, leaving the northern sector (theoretically) unwatched.
Bravo set up and we started moving west, encountering, and killing, a royal fuckton of EI on our way to markers set by CO. That went reasonably well, but at times it seemed (as it did during much of the mission) that people were too busy scanning outside of the areas that they were supposed to. It is kind of annoying (but somewhat reasonable) when people told to watch southwards start joining the mayhem in other sectors w/o being explicitly asked to. If i ahve to reassess my assumptions about what fireteams can be told to do, then please let me know, but when i say south i expect south. (And when i forget who i tasked to watch where its totally not my fault... :dance: )
Thereafter we went southwards, and got to meet tanks, helicopters, and several more royal fucktons of infantry. All in a days work. Disreputable_dog got the last shot on the chopper, and unfortunately, Mamba had decided to be just where the helicopter crashed into the forest. Not the happiest of days for him i guess. :(

We moved south to the city, where more tank-y stuff were, and found our caches and got out of there. By this time i was really, really tired and had no idea what to do with the caches, leading to some unnecessary delays for everybody. Caches were blown, and we got to enjoy a silent, contemplative moment of Beach Running Simulator 2010 before we boarded the boats and declared victory.

In the end, all was well, and my Alpha Squad Medic, daf, had over 40 kills. :jihad:
I had none. :eng101:

Re: [Tue] 13 Aug 2013 (All Hail!)

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:25 am
by Phoenix49
Beach Boys

I'd like to add the full video for Beach Boys from the POV of Phoenix (MAT1 - attached to Alpha). An hour of running around looking for ammo on the ground while blowing up a ton of tanks!

Re: [Tue] 13 Aug 2013 (All Hail!)

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 11:59 am
by Homercleese
Nice video Phoenix, but how do you get that player list up on your.... hud?

Re: [Tue] 13 Aug 2013 (All Hail!)

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 12:58 pm
by Phoenix49
Dammit I forgot to add in the video description that I'm using Teamspeak's own overlay plugin! Thanks for noticing!

To answer your question, the overlay doesn't show a player list, it shows players in my communication channel. This means everyone in Alpha, in this vid. The exception being CC users, who appear in the overlay only when they talk, and then disappear again.

I realize this overlay may be seen as "cheating" a bit because I could automatically know if someone died by looking at who left the channel. But to be honest the only reason I'm using it is to know who is talking to me, many players have similar voices/accents and it also helps with knowing whether someone is talking on CC or normal TS to answer in the appropriate channel.

Re: [Tue] 13 Aug 2013 (All Hail!)

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 2:13 pm
by Homercleese
Well, I can certainly understand the desire for clarity on voice comms. I keep teamspeak open in my second monitor but even just glancing across I'm usually too late to catch the light indicator to find out who it was that just spoke.

Re: [Tue] 13 Aug 2013 (All Hail!)

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 4:51 pm
by Phoenix49
Generally I highly recommend the CrossTalk addon, it provides lots of help for teamspeak clarity, e.g. CC in one ear, normal TS in the other, and u can set it up so that TS gets muted/lowered when CC is talking. So that it acts as an automatic "break, break" when a CC com is going on (e.g. when FTL1 and FTL2 are discussing in TS and you're a SL and CO starts talking on CC, which FTLs are not aware of)

That way, even if you're not sure who spoke, you know it was on CC or in your TS channel