AI artillery forward observer

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AI artillery forward observer

Post by Spinoza »

Hello all,
hope its ok I post a small question/request here? I would like to have a OPFOR AI artillery forward observer at some specific spot on the map. If this AI spots BLUEFOR/INDEPENDENT forces it calls in artillery at that specific location where the opposing force is. I believe there is something similar in Domination maps? I could never make head or tails of it. So, is it do able in any "easy" way?

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Re: AI artillery forward observer

Post by fer »

Absolutely fine for you to post here, comrade!

Just off the top of my head: you could probably do the following:
  • Create a looping script that runs so long as the AI observer is alive; the script would:
    • Make a list of all BLUFOR/IND units within a particular trigger area (using the list command)
    • Evaluate whether the observer knows about their presence (using the knowsAbout command)
    • Grab the positional details of the known units and pass them to an artillery script
Shouldn't be too hard to do, especially if you have a pre-existing artillery script to trigger. Possibly the only complication would be knowing how to prioritise the target, but perhaps you could do that by evaluating its type and focusing on infantry (since that is what artillery will be best at killing).

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