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Sat 25 May 2013 (Operation Northern Lights)

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:17 pm
by Bodge
A Joint Task Force consisting of a British infantry platoon and US Armour has been tasked with ending the enemy resistance in Takistan.

This large scale operation will be aided by support in the form of CAS and indirect fire missions at the request of squad leads, as well as transport between objectives.

The involved nature of the mission will mean a duration of half a unit of FA standard time (a session) with multiple objectives.

The date for this venture will be set in the not too distant future so keep an eye out on this thread. It is not a standard F2 load out though the squad structure is the same, a detailed breakdown of the Task Force can be found below.

HQ - Bodge
+Small Support Section (Iceraiser, Wash, Toppo, Draakon, Black Mamba (Egg and Macaco as reserve))

BAF Infantry Platoon
CO Medic - Capernatious


Each Squad consists of:

Squad Lead - Dogface + 2
Squad Medic - INinja + 2 more

FTL (Egg + Mamuto + 1), GL, AR, R (Backpack)
FTL (Danny + 2), AR, AAR, Marksman (Hawk Silk + 2)
FTL (Phalanx + 2), AT, AAT, JTAC (Strang + 2)

Machine Gun Section
MG Lead - Super U
MGA - Wilson
MG - Special Soup

Anti-tank Section
AT Lead - Halop
ATA - Awaitz
HAT - Kefirz

Recon Section
Recon Lead - Ferrard Carson
Spotter - Macaco
AM Sniper - Harlander
Spotter - Unaco

US Armour
Engineer Lead (US Element Lead) -
Engineer - JustSteven
Engineer -
Medic -

Tank 1
CO - Head
GR - Tired Hippo
DR -

Tank 2
CO - Wafflynumber
GR -
DR -

CO -
GR - Kale
DR -

CO -
GR - Lazer
DR -

Bear in mind if these people don't turn up (on time) or can't make the date when it is set, we will fill them on the night.

Re: Operation Northern Lights

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 10:56 am
by Wilson
I'd be happy to fill an AT slot with Phalanx FT or be gunner for Waffly's tank.

Re: Operation Northern Lights

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 12:24 pm
by thekev506
Very jealous of everyone getting to take part in this. Hope there are some vids!

Re: Operation Northern Lights

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 12:37 pm
by Dannysaysnoo
Am I Dany? I hope so.

Re: Operation Northern Lights

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 10:46 am
by lazerdx
Just as a heads up since I haven't been around for the usual sessions, I definitely plan on taking part in this whenever it's scheduled.

Re: Operation Northern Lights

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:19 am
by jstutters
Late to this but I'm happy to drive a vehicle if there's any need.

Re: Operation Northern Lights

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:00 pm
by audiox
Sweet jeebus! Me wants to partake in this methinks.

Put me in a regular fireteam or as driver in tank/ifv, depending upon what is most needed.
(As long as it isn't scheduled for tomorrow, that is. I'll be busy then....)

Re: Operation Northern Lights

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 4:26 pm
by Guus
When will this be held?

Re: Operation Northern Lights

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 2:42 pm
by Halop
Put me in AT lead :D

Re: Operation Northern Lights

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:13 pm
by Dogface
Hey, I'm up for this! Put me in wherever really, SL/FTL, vehicle crew, any random grunt position...