
Help make Party-approved missions harder
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Post by NikkoJT »

VRANA tries to muscle in on the Tanoan railway industry. (Helo required, recommend Bravo reinforcements)

East of Georgetown, Tanoa - VRANA vs Gendarmerie (Zeus)

Perhaps a little silly. Air logistics mission - defend against Zeus while helo does business. AKs and no body armour so plan for reinforcements.

v1: ???
v2: played.
- mission title is missing 3 in fa3
- Situation: "charted" > "chartered"
- Zeus briefing: emphasize the importance of using appropriate enemies for the player loadouts

v3: ???

v4: Upgraded to F3 3.5.6
- Added damage handlers for players
- Minor improvements to player loadouts
- Optimisations and bugfixes
- Moved from cascap to reinforcement-safe trigger
FA missions & session host. Tank appreciater.

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Re: fa3_cz39_i_like_trains

Post by on_certainty »

I would suggest perhaps a warning to the effect of 'going over x speed may cause sling cables to break and train cars to fly (but only very briefly).'

I played as the pilot on 2.24 and had never run into this issue before, though I mostly play on modded servers, and was very surprised when the train cars seemed to disappear randomly on the way to the drop-off. With first-person view locked, the only indication the pilot gets is an out-of-place 'ready' notice in the sling load assistant, if the pilot still has it open.

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Re: fa3_cz39_i_like_trains

Post by NikkoJT »

Indeed. I don't believe this is a mission-specific issue, as the slingloading is an unmodified Arma mechanic, but still worth reminding people.

I'll also include a direct warning about avoiding standing on rocks, as it seems the rocks in this area are particularly deadly.
FA missions & session host. Tank appreciater.

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