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[Sun] 01 August 2021 (Garage Smash)

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 6:12 pm
by Teifiterror
12 potentially capable soldiers joined us this evening for fun and explosions

Our first mission saw us recover some data form some downed UAVs, much shenaningans were had culminating in the CO driving into a garage and running over all the team members using it as a field hospital. In the second mission our helo flew very close to the sun and required the infantry to quickly learn how to parachute to safety so they could drive to their deaths instead. I am not enitrely sure what happenned in fundraising drive, one minute we were calmly executing a fireteam and the next we were bieng overrung by a platoon of soldiers successfully aided by an IFV and an attack helo. We did somehow steal an MLRS during this but I dont know how?

  • Salvage Highway [Co-op Zeus]
  • One CHalk Tow Chalk [Co-op]
  • Donation Drive [Co-op]
  • Firefight Overstay[Co-op]
  • The Showdown[Afterparty]
  • The Showdown [Afterparty]

Remember to check out, promote, and contribute to the Party YouTube channel using this elegant and finely-crafted link.

You can review the missions we played tonight to improve your combat effectiveness score, using our R3 Mission Replay System. Remember, the Party is always watching! And so are your friends. From the grave. Where you put them. You monster.

If you would like to get some help with becoming an excellent leader :commissar: why not check out the Leadership Programme? This will let you get direct access to a host who will be happy* to guide you through commanding a mission, especially if you have a cruel and devious plan.

You may have noticed that some people have FA flags all over them. You may have thought "wow, what a cool guy! I want to be like them when I grow up!" Well, there's no need to grow up just yet. Instead, click on this link here and you too can have an FA flag of your own.

If you want a real FA flag all over your real body, click here to learn how to get a real FA t-shirt of your very own. Contributes to server operation as well as your Party status!

One last thing! If you would like to contribute to the server fund that allows FA to keep running sessions, you can PayPal your last grubby potato to, or click here to use the Party's new and improved organ donation service.